Taurus Constellation: Navigating Night Sky Myths and Starry Wonders

Chris Klein, Amateur Astronomy Advisor

By Chris Klein


You’ve set your sights on the Taurus constellation, eager to trace its mythic shape across the night sky. Taurus, with its standout star clusters and ancient legends, promises a stellar journey.

But finding Taurus can be daunting, as its stars compete with the urban glow, and its tales are as tangled as the constellations themselves.

Fear not, for this article is your guide to skywatching, pointing you toward the celestial wonders of Taurus. I’ll guide you on a star walk to the best times and techniques to observe the Bull, ensuring your stargazing quest is both successful and enlightening.

Key Things to Know

  • Observation Season: Taurus is best seen in the winter sky, looking North, especially from November to March. To locate Taurus accurately, you should know its right ascension and declination. These celestial coordinates of Taurus are akin to the longitude and latitude on Earth’s surface.
  • Finding Taurus: To quickly find Taurus, use a night sky map to locate it between the constellations of Aries and Gemini. The V-shaped cluster of the Hyades outlines the face of the Bull, with the bright star Aldebaran marking its eye. Watch for planets that often pass through this part of the sky.
  • Brightest Stars: Aldebaran is the eye-catching star of Taurus, notable not just for its brightness but also for the radiation it emits that can be studied with spectrometers. Among the brightest stars in the night sky, Aldebaran shines with a distinct reddish hue.
  • Mythological Background: Taurus features in many myths, most famously as the bull form taken by Zeus in Greek mythology.

Introduction: Taurus Constellation

Taurus Constellation

Hey there, stargazers! Are you ready to venture into the celestial landscape? Today, we’re focusing on Taurus, the Bull, a constellation that’s a favorite of mine to observe. When you spot Taurus the Bull in the sky, you’re looking at one of the oldest constellations known to humanity.

“Taurus” comes from the Latin word for “Bull.” This constellation is not just significant for its eye-catching features like the Pleiades and Hyades clusters but also its role in the zodiac.

Taurus is one of the 12 zodiacal constellations, lying along the ecliptic plane, which makes it a key player in both astronomy and astrology. The zodiac constellations, including Taurus, have fascinated astronomers and astrologers alike for centuries.

The mythology of Taurus, rich and varied, adds a layer of storytelling to our observations, reminding us of its ancient connection to our Sun and its path across the sky. In one of its many tales, it represents the form Zeus took to win Europa’s love.

Taurus is an official constellation recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Taurus has a firm place in the sky and our stories. It’s a constellation that offers a blend of navigational aid, mythological depth, and astrological significance, making it a multifaceted gem of the night sky.

Difficulty Level for Spotting Taurus

You might think finding Taurus is tough, but it’s actually relatively straightforward.

Where is the Taurus constellation? With its bright star Aldebaran and the famous Pleiades cluster, Taurus is one of the more recognizable constellations. So, even if you’re new to stargazing, you’ll have no trouble spotting the Bull in the sky.

If you’re no longer a beginner, it will help to look for its right ascension at around 4 hours and its declination of approximately 15 degrees north, placing it between the constellations of Aries and Gemini.

Best Time to Observe Taurus

If Taurus is on your stargazing list, the best time to look up is November through March.

Taurus’ position near the celestial equator makes it an ideal target for observers in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

During these months, Taurus is well-positioned in the evening sky, making its stars and clusters stand out. The constellation’s visibility is at its peak, offering a clear and bright display that’s hard to miss.

However, in July, early risers can catch Taurus on the eastern horizon just before sunrise. Remember, the visibility of Taurus in the sky can vary greatly depending on your latitude.


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Locating Taurus in the Night Sky

Finding Taurus is like connecting the dots.

Start with Orion’s Belt, then trace a line to the bright star Aldebaran. From there, the V-shaped Hyades cluster, which forms the Bull’s head, is unmistakable. And remember the Pleiades cluster, sitting like a tiny dipper nearby.

These celestial landmarks make Taurus easy to find and a joy to observe.

Star-Hopping Guide to Find Taurus

  1. Start with Orion: Locate Orion’s Belt, three stars in a neat row.
  2. Follow the Line: Extend an imaginary line from Orion’s Belt to the bright star Aldebaran.
  3. Spot the V: Identify the V-shaped cluster of the Hyades, which forms the Bull’s face.
  4. Find the Pleiades: Look past the Hyades to see the small, dipper-like cluster of the Pleiades on Taurus’s shoulder.

Sketches and Star Charts: Taurus

Imagine a large V with an extra line extending from its top. This is the face and the forward-facing horn of Taurus. The Pleiades sit atop the Bull’s back, like a jewel on a crown. Keeping this simple shape in mind can help you identify Taurus among the sea of stars.

Tips for Observing Taurus

For the best view of Taurus, a pair of binoculars or a small telescope will do wonders. Aim for higher magnification to distinguish the stars of the Hyades and to resolve the Pleiades cluster into individual stars. Clear, dark skies will enhance your experience, making Taurus’s stars pop against the black canvas.

A Celestial Comparison: Taurus, Gemini, and Orion

When you’re out stargazing, comparing Taurus with its neighboring constellations can add to the fun. Taurus is more compact than Gemini but larger and brighter than Aries.

Its stars, like Aldebaran, are some of the brightest in the sky, unlike the dimmer stars of Gemini. Orion, with its bright belt and nebula, makes for a striking contrast against the Bull’s subtler glow.

Each constellation has its charm, and seeing them side by side is a treat.

The Stars of Taurus

Taurus is a celestial showcase, home to some of the night sky’s most famous stars. Each star tells a part of Taurus’s story, from the fiery eye of Aldebaran to the distant glow of distant suns.

Here’s a closer look at the stars that make Taurus a favorite among stargazers.

Star NameMagnitudeDistance (Light-Years)Spectral TypeInteresting FactMythological Significance
Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri)0.85~65K5 IIIOften mistaken for Mars due to its reddish color.Represents the fiery eye of the Bull.
Elnath (Beta Tauri)1.65134B7 IIIMarks the tip of Taurus’s northern horn and is also part of Auriga.Known as the Bull’s northern horn.
Hyadum I (Gamma Tauri)3.65154G8 IIIPart of the Hyades cluster, the closest open cluster to Earth.Named after the Hyades nymphs in Greek mythology.
Ain (Epsilon Tauri)3.53147K0 IIIKnown for having an exoplanet orbiting it.Ain means “eye” in Arabic, adding depth to the Bull’s gaze.


  • Magnitude: How bright the star appears from Earth. Lower numbers mean brighter stars.
  • Distance: The star’s distance from Earth in light-years.
  • Spectral Type: The classification of the star based on its temperature and light characteristics.
  • Interesting Fact: A unique or notable aspect of the star.
  • Mythological Significance: The role or symbolism of the star in mythology.

Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri)

Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull, is a red giant star that shines with a steady, fiery light. It’s the constellation’s brightest star and one of the easiest to spot.

Here’s what makes Aldebaran unique:

  • Why It Stands Out: Its reddish hue is distinctive, often leading it to be confused with the planet Mars.
  • Navigating the Night Sky: Aldebaran is part of the V-shaped Hyades cluster, which makes up the Bull’s face. It’s a key reference point for stargazers.
  • Cultural Impact: This star has been a celestial beacon throughout history, featuring in many cultures’ folklore.

Elnath (Beta Tauri)

Elnath marks the tip of Taurus’s northern horn and is the second-brightest star in the constellation.

It’s a blue giant, and here’s what you should know:

  • Dual Constellation Star: Elnath is unique as it’s also considered part of the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer.
  • Observation Tips: Look for Elnath at the end of a line extending from the Pleiades through the Hyades.
  • Historical Significance: Elnath has been used for navigation and is a staple in the winter sky.

Hyadum I (Gamma Tauri)

Part of the Hyades cluster, Hyadum I, is a yellow giant that contributes to the V shape of Taurus’s face.

Its significance includes:

  • Cluster Star: As a member of the Hyades, it’s part of the nearest open cluster to Earth, making it a prime target for observation.
  • Stargazing Highlight: The entire Hyades cluster is worth exploring with binoculars, with Hyadum I being a bright starting point.
  • Mythological Ties: Named after the rain-bringing sisters of Greek mythology, the Hyades.

Ain (Epsilon Tauri)

Ain is an orange giant that sits near Aldebaran in the Hyades cluster.

It’s notable for:

  • Exoplanetary Discovery: Ain is orbited by at least one exoplanet, offering a glimpse into potential solar systems beyond our own.
  • Spotting Ain: It’s less bright than Aldebaran but completes the V-shaped face of the Bull.
  • Cultural Relevance: Ain’s name, “eye,” enhances its mythological role as part of the Bull’s gaze.

Mythology: The Bull’s Tale in the Stars

Taurus, the celestial Bull, has charged through the heavens since ancient times, its myths as enduring as the stars themselves.

Here’s the story that has captivated stargazers for millennia.

The Bull: A Celestial Symbol of Strength

The constellation Taurus is not just a group of stars; it’s a symbol etched in the sky, telling a tale of power, persistence, and presence.

In the mythological tapestry, Taurus represents the mighty Bull with ties to various deities and heroes across cultures.

The most famous myth involving Taurus is the Greek story of Zeus and Europa. Zeus, smitten with the princess Europa, transformed into a magnificent white bull to win her over. Europa, captivated by the Bull’s gentle nature, climbed onto its back, only to be carried away to Crete by Zeus. This tale is immortalized in the stars, with Taurus marking the celestial Bull’s position.

The Bull and the Seven Sisters

Another legend ties Taurus to the Pleiades, the captivating star cluster that rides on the Bull’s back.

These stars represent the Seven Sisters, daughters of the titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione. Pursued by the hunter Orion, the gods placed them in the sky for protection, where Taurus now forever shields them.

Cultural Echoes of Taurus

The Bull has been a symbol of worship and reverence in many ancient cultures.

In Egypt, the Bull was associated with the god Apis and was an emblem of fertility and strength.

Similarly, in Mesopotamia, the Bull of Heaven is a central figure in the Epic of Gilgamesh, representing the gods’ power over life and death.

History of Taurus: A Stellar Legacy

As one of the oldest recognized constellations, Taurus has been a fixture in the lore of civilizations from the Bronze Age onwards.

Its presence in the sky has been a constant, a guide for farmers and sailors alike, and a reminder of the stories that connect us to the cosmos.

By looking up at Taurus, you’re not just spotting stars; you’re connecting with a narrative that spans human history, which has been told and retold under the canopy of night. As you trace the outline of the Bull, let your imagination wander to these ancient tales and feel the weight of history in the stars.

Astrological Significance of Taurus: The Steadfast Bull

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is synonymous with stability and presence.

When you gaze at the constellation Taurus, you’re not just seeing a cluster of stars; you’re looking at a symbol of endurance and reliability.

A Zodiac Anchor

Represented by the Bull, Taurus embodies a grounded spirit. Its place as the second zodiac sign reflects a sense of steadfastness and determination inherent in its nature.

Birth Chart Influence

In astrological belief, the stars of Taurus at the time of one’s birth exert a profound influence on personality traits. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, rules Taurus, infusing those born under this sign with an appreciation for the finer things in life and a desire for comfort and serenity.

Astrological Aspects

The stars in Taurus, especially Aldebaran, its brightest star, are crucial in constructing astrological charts. Astrologers consider the position of these stars significant in shaping an individual’s temperament and life journey.

Venus Connection

The ruling planet Venus imparts Taurus with a love for harmony and a penchant for indulgence, reflecting a zest for life and pleasure characteristic of Taureans.

Cultural and Historical Richness

As you delve into the astrological significance of Taurus, you’re engaging with a narrative where celestial bodies are thought to influence human destinies. Taurus is one of the oldest constellations in the sky, with a history dating back to ancient civilizations.

In many cultures, Bulls have symbolized strength and fertility, which is echoed in the mythological significance of Taurus.

Many stars in Taurus bear Arabic names, a nod to the rich history of Arabic astronomy. Whether or not you hold astrological views, this perspective adds a fascinating layer to your stargazing experience.

Taurus is marked by several notable stars like Aldebaran and the Pleiades cluster, making it a distinctive constellation. Through the lens of astrology, Taurus transforms from a simple group of stars into a symbol of nature’s unyielding force and beauty, enriching the tapestry of the night sky with its mythological and astrological lore.

Deep-Sky Objects of Interest in Taurus

In the 17th century, Taurus became even more significant with the advent of telescopic astronomy. Taurus is a treasure trove for deep-sky observers, boasting some of the most famous celestial sights.

While Taurus does not house the brightest star in the sky, its Aldebaran stands out with a distinct reddish glow.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, provides a stunning backdrop to the Taurus constellation.

  1. The Pleiades Star Cluster (M45): This sparkling star cluster, known as the “Seven Sisters,” is a highlight in Taurus. The Pleiades cluster spans about 110 arcminutes in our sky, almost four times the size of the full moon. It’s visible to the naked eye and is a breathtaking sight through binoculars or a telescope.
  2. The Hyades Star Cluster: Another open cluster, forming the V-shaped face of the Bull. Aldebaran, the red eye of the Bull, sits in front of this cluster, though it’s not a member.
  3. The Crab Nebula (Messier 1): The supernova remnant observed in 1054. This nebula is a fascinating object to study due to its expanding gas cloud, which is the result of a star’s explosive death.
  4. NGC 1647 and NGC 1746: These are two lesser-known open clusters that offer a delightful view for seasoned stargazers looking for a challenge.

Observable Phenomena: Meteor Showers in Taurus

Watch for the Taurid meteor showers, which grace the sky annually. These are caused by debris from Comet Encke. The Taurids are known for their bright, slow-moving meteors and are best observed in November.

Astrophotography Tips for Taurus

  1. Capture the Pleiades: Use a wide-field lens to get the whole cluster in one shot. A long exposure will reveal the nebulosity around the stars.
  2. The Hyades: A standard camera lens can capture the cluster along with Aldebaran. Try a medium telephoto lens for a closer look.
  3. The Crab Nebula: This requires a telescope with a camera adapter and a long exposure to capture the intricate details of the nebula.

Fun Facts about Taurus

  • Taurus hosts two of the nearest open clusters to Earth, the Pleiades and the Hyades.
  • Aldebaran is one of the easiest stars to find in the night sky, thanks to its bright, ruddy complexion.
  • The Crab Nebula was the first astronomical object identified with a historical supernova explosion.

An asterism within Taurus is the ‘V’ shape, an easy-to-spot orientation marker for stargazers. While Taurus straddles the celestial equator, it’s prominently visible from the Northern Hemisphere, making it a familiar sight for many stargazers.

Taurus shares the winter sky with several other prominent constellations:

  • Orion: Just to the southwest, with the bright stars Betelgeuse and Rigel, and not far from Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky.
  • Gemini: To the northeast, with the twin stars Castor and Pollux.
  • Auriga: Above Taurus, featuring the bright star Capella.
  • Cetus: Just below the constellation Taurus, you can find Cetus, often depicted as a sea monster in mythology.
  • Eridanus: Following the celestial river, Eridanus leads the eye from Taurus towards the southern horizon.

Each of these constellations has its own set of deep-sky wonders and stories to tell, making the area around Taurus a rich field for exploration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see the Pleiades with the naked eye?

Yes, you can see the Pleiades with the naked eye. For an optimal viewing experience, the Pleiades star cluster is bright and easily spotted during clear nights from autumn to early spring. The Pleiades contains several white dwarfs, the remnants of ancient stars.

Where should I look to find the Hyades?

To find the Hyades, look for the V-shaped pattern that forms the head of Taurus. This open cluster is anchored by the bright star Aldebaran.

What equipment do I need for Taurus astrophotography?

For Taurus astrophotography, a DSLR camera with a wide-field lens is ideal for capturing large clusters like the Pleiades. For nebulae like M1, which is also the site of a pulsar, a telescope with a camera adapter is recommended. The same is true for N1952.

How many stars are in the Taurus constellation?

The number of stars in the Taurus constellation, or any constellation, is not a fixed number because constellations in the sky are patterns of stars as seen from Earth. They can include bright stars easily visible to the naked eye and fainter stars or variable stars that can only be seen through telescopes.


Final Words

As we wrap up our journey through the Taurus constellation, I hope you’ve found a new appreciation for this celestial giant.

The beautiful vistas of Taurus, sometimes graced by a passing meteor shower, are a testament to the constellation’s enduring appeal. Taurus may not be the flashiest constellation in the sky. Still, its stars hold stories and wonders that have captivated humans for millennia.

From the fiery eye of Aldebaran to the distant shimmer of the Pleiades (a stunning star cluster easily spotted with the naked eye and enveloped by a reflection nebula that adds to its beauty), Taurus offers a gateway to the past and a beacon for the future.  

So the next time you look up at the night sky, remember that Taurus, rich mythology and stellar beauty, is more than just a constellation—it’s a testament to our shared history under the stars.

Happy Stargazing!

About the Author

Chris Klein, Amateur Astronomy Advisor

Chris Klein is an amateur astronomy advisor, astrophotographer, and entrepreneur. Go here to read his incredible story "From $50,000 in Debt to Award-Winning Photographer Living in Switzerland". If you want to send Chris a quick message, then visit his contact page here.